I’m not talking about STOP signs or astrological signs… I’m referring to the signs from the Universe to you… and only you.
Years ago, as my employee and I were closing the store and walking out, my purse got stuck on the door handle and abruptly pulled me back. I laughed and thought it was funny – that I’m such a klutz.
Maisha grabbed my arm as I was pulling my purse off the handle and she said we needed to count to ten. Huh? – was my first thought. She said in her country, it was a sign and we needed to wait and count to ten.
Just to pacify her, I did – and we went to our respective cars and drove out of the parking lot. On the route I took home, I encountered a car accident. It had just happened minutes ago.
That really made me think about what Maisha said. I really felt if she had not suggested that I count to ten, it could’ve been me in that accident.
Fate? Signs?
I started watching and being aware – while driving and rushing to an appointment, only to hit every signal! Have you ever experienced that? Upon reaching my destination, I would find out my client was running late.
So now when I’m feeling rushed, I just slow down, because now I know whoever I’m meeting with is running late.
What “signs” are you aware of? These are signs from the Universe…
Are you paying attention to what you need to know?
Are you ready for CHANGE?
“Shift Your Space” with Feng Shui is the virtual workshop that will help you make changes and manifest your goals.
Isn’t it time for you to live in a space of harmony?
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Stop that negative energy and bring that positive energy in!
Is the energy in your space supporting you where you want to go?
Whether you want to improve or maintain your space, learn to shift that energy now… Click here for more information